Water payments can now be made online:
Notice to Water Customers:
The city's fire hydrants are flushed the last week of each Quarter. Please observe the water before washing during this time because minerals in the water lines may flush through the system and damage clothing.
Bills to customers for water service shall be mailed out or delivered on such days of each month as may be determined as desirable by the City. The failure of water and users to pay charges imposed duly shall result in the automatic imposition of the following penalties:
Non-payment within fifteen (15) days from the due date will be subject to a penalty of ten (10) percent of the delinquent account
Non-payment within forty-five (45) days from the due date will result in the water being shut off from the water user’s property
Non-payment for forty-five (45) days after the original due date will allow the city, in addition to all other rights and remedies, to terminate the agreement, and in such event, the water user shall not be entitled to receive, nor the City obligated to supply, any water under this agreement.
Water shall not be reconnected until customer’s delinquent bill, including penalty and disconnection charges, has been paid in full. Should such customer thereafter desire to be reconnected to the Water System, a reconnection charge of fifty ($50.00) dollars shall be collected. Bills shall be paid at the City Hall of Shiloh and a failure to receive bills or notices shall not prevent such bills from becoming delinquent nor relieve the customer from payment of it.
Upon discontinuance of service for nonpayment of bills, the security deposit will be applied by the City of Shiloh toward settlement of the account. Any balance will be refunded to the customer; however, if the security deposit is insufficient to cover the bill, the City may proceed to collect the balance in the usual way provided by law for the collection of debts.
Commercial - Base Rate $25.00 up to 8000 gallons
$ 2.75 per 1000 gallons
Residential- Base Rate $13.00 up to 2000 gallons
(within city limits) $ 2.25 per 1000 gallons
Residential- Base Rate $15.00 up to 2000 gallons
(out of city limits) $ 2.75 per 1000 gallons
Senior Citizens- Base Rate $10.00 up to 3000 gallons
$ 2.25 per 1000 gallons
Water Bills are mailed out between the 20th and 23rd each month.
Water bills are due on the 30th of every month and are late after the 10th of the next month which will result in a 10% penalty being applied.